Explore the world with exciting guided tours

Digital tourist guides on mobile application.

Rewarding experiences

Make the most of your visits with enriching, inspiring and authentic guides

Customized tours

Choose the tour that suits you best, according to your interests, wishes and availability.

At your own pace

Visit on your own and at your own pace. Take breaks and resume your visit whenever you like

How does it work?

Choose and customise your visit

Choose a tourist site.
Preview the routes and choose the one that suits you: with an itinerary or free, according to theme, audience (family, adult) or duration.

Buy your visit if it costs money

If the visit is free, it is available at any time on the mobile application.
If the visit is paid, you can purchase it through the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. It is then available immediately for an unlimited period.

Start your visit

Go to the start of the tour (or near the site for a self-guided tour).
Start the tour on the mobile app.

Enjoy your visit

If you have chosen a route, follow the tour route.
If you have chosen a free route, take the paths that you like!
In all cases you are notified when approaching a point of interest. You can then read or listen to the comments accompanied by photos.

Lively Guides Features

prévisualisation, œil dans un écran

Preview of visits, routes and points of interest

3 boutons de réglage

Choose and organise routes according to interests, audience and duration

Geolocation and notification when arriving at a point of interest during a visit

Text or audio comments on points of interest

Content provided by tourist guides, tourist offices or cultural institutions

Account management, favourites and history of visits or purchases

Download the app

Enjoy exciting and rewarding digital tourist guides with the Lively Guides mobile app.

Enjoy exciting and rewarding digital tourist guides with the Lively Guides mobile app.

Alpha testing version available upon request at contact@livelyguides.com
The open access beta version is coming very soon.

User testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Would you like more information?

If you would like to use the platform to offer guided tours, send us a message or make an appointment with us.

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